
  1. Nikolaos S. Papageorgiou, Vicențiu D. Rădulescu, and Xueying Sun, Indefinite Perturbations of the Eigenvalue Problem for the Nonautonomous p-Laplacian, Milan J. Math. 91 (2023), 353-373, DOI:
  2. Xiaojun Chang, Vicențiu D. Rădulescu, Ru Wang, Duokui Yan, Convergence of least energy sign-changing solutions for logarithmic Schrödinger equations on locally finite graphs, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation (125) (2023), 107418, DOI:
  3. Sitong Chen, Vicențiu D. Rădulescu, Xianhua Tang, and Shuai Yuan, Normalized solutions for Schrödinger equations with critical exponential growth in R2, SIAM J. Math. Anal. 55 (2023), 7704-7740, DOI:
  4. Xilin Dou, Xiaoming He and Vicențiu D. Rădulescu, Multiplicity of positive solutions for the fractional Schrödinger–Poisson system with critical nonlocal term, Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences (2023) 2350012 (56 pages), DOI:
  5. Rakesh Arora and Vicențiu D. Rădulescu, Combined effects in mixed local–nonlocal stationary problems, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics 154 (2024), pages 1-47, DOI:
  6. Geanina Maria Lăchescu, Maria Malin and Ionel Rovența, New Versions of Uniformly Convex Functions via Quadratic Complete Homogeneous Symmetric Polynomials, Mediterr. J. Math. (2023) 20:279, DOI:
  7. Vasile Florin Uta, Existence and Multiplicity Results for Anisotropic Double-Phase Differential Inclusion with Unbalanced Growth and Lack of Compactness, Mediterr. J. Math. 20 (2023), DOI:
  8. Geanina Maria Lăchescu, Maria Malin and Ionel Rovența,The Hardy–Littlewood–Po ́lya inequality of majorization in the context of ω–m–star-convex functions, Aequat. Math. 97 (2023), 523–535, DOI:
  9. Ionel Rovența and Mihai-Adrian Tudor, A note on an algorithm studying the uniform controllability of a class of semidiscrete hyperbolic problems, Annals of the University of Craiova, Mathematics and Computer Science Series Volume 50(1), 2023, Pages 224–238, DOI:
  10. Shengda Zeng, Vicențiu D. Rădulescu, and Patrick Winkert, Nonlocal double phase implicit obstacle problems with multivalued boundary conditions, SIAM J. Math. Anal. 56 (2024), 877-912, DOI:
  11. Shuai Yuan, Vicențiu D. Rădulescu, Xianhua Tang and Limin Zhang, Concentrating solutions for singularly perturbed fractional (N/s)-Laplacian equations with nonlocal reaction, Forum Mathematicum 36 (2024), 783-810, DOI:
  12. Nikolaos S. Papageorgiou, Vicențiu D. Rădulescu, and Xueying Sun, Positive solutions for nonparametric anisotropic singular equations, Opuscula Mathematica 44, no. 3 (2024), 409-423, DOI:
  13. Nikolaos S. Papageorgiou, Vicențiu D. Rădulescu, and Yitian Wang, Constant sign and nodal solutions for resonant double phase problems, Annales Fennici Mathematici 48 (2023), 757-777, DOI:
  14. Tianxiang Gou and Vicențiu D. Rădulescu, Non-autonomous double phase eigenvalue problems with indefinite weight and lack of compactness, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 56 (2024), 734-755, DOI:
  15. Sorin Micu, Ionel Rovența and Marius Tucsnak, Time optimal controls and bang–bang property for systems describing plate vibrations, Systems & Control Letters, Volume 182, 2023, 105670. DOI:
  16. Ionel Rovența, Laurențiu Emanuel Temereancă and Mihai Adrian Tudor, Weighted Ingham-type inequalities via the positivity of quadratic polynomials, Aequationes Mathematicae, (2023). DOI:
  17. Nicolae Cîndea, Sorin Micu, Ionel Rovența and Mihai Adrian Tudor, An approximation method for exact controls of vibrating systems with numerical viscosity, ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations 30 (2024), 1-33, DOI:
  18. Ionel Rovența, Laurentiu Emanuel Temereancă and Mihai Adrian Tudor, An application of moment method to uniform boundary controllability property of a semidiscrete 1-d wave equation with a lower rate vanishing viscosity, Journal of Differential Equations 389 (2024), 1-37, DOI:
  19. Li Cai, Vicențiu D. Rădulescu, Normalized solutions for (p,q)-Laplacian equations with mass supercritical growth, Journal of Differential Equations 391 (2024), 57-104, DOI:
  20. Quanqing Li, Vicențiu D. Rădulescu, Wen Zhang, Normalized ground states for the Sobolev critical Schrödinger equation with at least mass critical growth, Nonlinearity 37 (2024), Paper 025018, 28 pp, DOI:
  21. Jiabin Zuo, J. Honda Lopes, Vicențiu D. Rădulescu, Long-time behavior for the Kirchhoff diffusion problem with magnetic fractional Laplace operator, Applied Mathematics Letters 150 (2024), 108977, DOI:
  22. Jiabin Zuo, Weiqiang Zhang, Vicențiu D. Rădulescu, Multiplicity and concentration properties for (p,q)-Kirchhoff non-autonomous problems with Choquard nonlinearity, Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques 191 (2024), 103398, DOI:
  23. S. Chen, Vicențiu D. Rădulescu, X. Tang, Multiple normalized solutions for the planar Schrödinger-Poisson system with critical exponential growth, Math. Zeitschrift 306 (2024), Paper 50, DOI:
  24. K. Bien, W. Majdak, Nikolaos S. Papageorgiou, Parametric singular problems with an indefinite perturbation, J. Geom. Anal. 34 (2024), no. 4, Paper No. 103, 22 pp, DOI:
  25. Nikolaos S. Papageorgiou, Jian Zhang, Wen Zhang, Global existence and multiplicity of solutions for nonlinear singular eigenvalue problems, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems – Series S (2024), DOI:
  26. Nikolaos S. Papageorgiou, Vicenţiu D. Rădulescu, Shuai Yuan, Nonautonomous double-phase equations with strong singularity and concave perturbation, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 56 (2024), 1245-1262, DOI:
  27. I. Rovența, LA. Perez-Maqueda, A. Rotaru, Advancements in the integration and understanding of the Sestak–Berggren generalized conversion function for heterogeneous kinetics, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, (2023), 1-14, DOI:
  28. M. Malin, C. Mardare, New nonlinear inequalities of Korn’s type for surfaces with directors and applications in the theory of nonlinearly elastic shells of Cosserat type, submitted.
  29. Thin Van Nguyen, Vicențiu D. Rădulescu, Multiple normalized solutions for fractional elliptic problems, Forum Mathematicum 36 (2024), 1225-1248, DOI:
  30. Leszek Gasinski, Nikolaos S. Papageorgiou, On an anisotropic logistic equation, Mathematics 12 (2024), No. 9, Paper 1280, DOI:
  31. Vincenzo Ambrosio, Vicențiu D. Rădulescu, Multiplicity of concentrating solutions for (p, q)-Schrödinger equations with lack of compactness, Israel Journal of Mathematics 262 (2024), 399-447, DOI:
  32. S. Micu, I. Rovența, L. E. Temereanca, The approximations of the controls for the 2D wave equation in a rectangle, submitted.
  33. M. Malin, G. Lachescu, I. Rovența, On Jensen-Steffensen’s majorization type inequality and its applications, submitted.
  34. Xilin Dou, Xiaoming He, Vicențiu D. Rădulescu, Multiplicity of positive solutions for the fractional Schrödinger-Poisson system with critical nonlocal term, Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences 14 (2024), 2350012. DOI:
  35. Sushmita Rawat, Vicențiu D. Rădulescu, K. Sreenadh, Planar Choquard equations with critical exponential reaction and Neumann boundary condition, Mathematische Nachrichten (2024), in press, DOI:
  36. Yiqing Li, Vicențiu D. Rădulescu, Binlin Zhang, Critical planar Schrödinger-Poisson equations: existence, multiplicity and concentration, Math. Z. 307 (2024), Paper 43, 25 pp., DOI:
  37. Nikolaos Papageorgiou, Vicențiu D. Rădulescu, Some useful tools in the study of nonlinear elliptic problems, Expositiones Mathematicae 42 (2024), Paper 125616, DOI:
  38. Weiqiang Zhang, Jiabin Zuo, Vicențiu D. Rădulescu, Concentration of solutions for non-autonomous double-phase problems with lack of compactness, Z. Angew. Math. Phys. 75:148, (2024), DOI:
  39. L. Shen, Vicențiu D. Rădulescu, Concentration of ground state solutions for supercritical zero-mass (N,q)-equations with Choquard reaction, Math. Z. (2024), in press.
  40. Nikolaos Papageorgiou, Zijia Peng, Singular double phase problems with convection, Nonlinear Anal. Real World Appl. 81 (2025), Paper 104213, DOI:
  41. K. Bien, Witold Majdak, Nikolaos Papageorgiou, Parametric singular problems with an indefinite perturbation, Journal of Geometric Analysis 34 (2024), Art. 103, DOI:
  42. Anouar Bahrouni, Hlel Missaoui, Vicențiu D. Rădulescu, Nodal solutions for the nonlinear Robin problem in Orlicz spaces, Nonlinear Anal. Real World Appl. 81 (2025), Paper 104186, DOI:
  43. Nikolaos Papageorgiou, Dongdong Qin, Vicențiu D. Rădulescu, Singular non-autonomous (p,q)-equations with competing nonlinearities, Nonlinear Anal. Real World Appl. 81 (2025), Paper 104225.
  44. Wen Zhang, Jian Zhang, Vicențiu D. Rădulescu, Semiclassical states for the pseudo-relativistic Schrödinger equation with competing potentials, Comm. Math. Sci. (2025), in press.
  45. Sitong Chen, Vicențiu D. Rădulescu, Xianhua Tang, Lixi Wen, Planar Schrödinger equations with critical exponential growth, Calc. Var. PDE 63 (2024), no. 9, Paper No. 243.
  46. Sitong Chen, Dongdong Qin, Vicențiu D. Rădulescu, Xianhua Tang, Ground states for quasilinear equations of N-Laplacian type with critical exponential growth and lack of compactness, Science China Mathematics (2024),
  47. Geanina Maria Lachescu, Vasile Florin Uta, On the properties of strongly hd convex functions, Annals of the University of Craiova – Mathematics & Computer Science Series (2024), in press.
  48. Geanina Maria Lachescu, Malin Maria, Ionel Roventa, Convex type inequalities with nonpositive weights, submitted.
  49. Geanina Maria Lachescu, Malin Maria, Ionel Roventa, On the barycenter for discrete Steffensen Popoviciu measures on global NPC spaces, submitted.
  50. Youpei Zhang, Vicențiu D. Rădulescu, Jing Chen, Dongdong Qin, Concentration and multiplicity of solutions for fractional double phase problems, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A-Mathematics (2024), 54 pp. DOI:
  51. Nikolaos Papageorgiou, Vicențiu D. Rădulescu, Wen Zhang, Multiple solutions with sign information for double phase problems with unbalanced growth, Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 57 (2025). DOI:
  52. Asadollah Aghajani, Juha Kinnunen, Vicențiu D. Rădulescu, Nonexistence results and integral estimates for some higher order nonlinear elliptic problems, Journal of Differential Equations 423 (2025). DOI:
  53. Tianxiang Gou, Vicențiu D. Rădulescu, Uniqueness of positive solutions to fractional nonlinear elliptic equations with harmonic potential, Comptes Rendus Math. (Paris), 2025, in press
  54. Ahmed Mohammed, Vicențiu D. Rădulescu, Antonio Vitolo, Blow-up solutions for partial Laplace equations with Keller-Osserman condition, Journal d’Analyse Math., in press
  55. Juntao Sun, Jian Zhang, Vicențiu D. Rădulescu, Tsung-fang Wu, Choquard equations with saturable reaction, Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, in press
  56. Nikolaos Papageorgiou, Dongdong Qin, Vicențiu D. Rădulescu, Positive solutions for resonant singular non-autonomous (p,q)-equations, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems – Series B (2024). DOI:
  57. E. Ozturk, Nikolaos Papageorgiou, Nonhomogeneous singular problems with convection, Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 26 (2024), Article No. 62, DOI:
  58. Nikolaos Papageorgiou, Jian Zhang, Wen Zhang, Multiple solutions with sign information for Robin equations with indefinite potential, Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences (2024), DOI:
  59. Zhao Jing, Zhenhai Liu, Nikolaos Papageorgiou, Jen-Chih Yao, Nonautonomous (p,q)-equations with convection , Bulletin des Sciences Math. 197 (2024), Paper 103521, DOI:
  60. Leszek Gasinski, Gregoris Makrides, Nikolaos Papageorgiou, Anisotropic (p,q)-equation with partially concave terms , Symmetry (Basel) 16 (2024), Article 1188, DOI:


  1. Vicențiu D. Rădulescu, New phenomena in the study of double phase equations, Honghe University, 5 September 2023
  2. Vicențiu D. Rădulescu, New phenomena in the study of double phase equations, Nanchang University, 11 September 2023
  3. Vicențiu D. Rădulescu, Elliptic equations driven by the Stuart differential operator, Seminar of Functional Analysis, AGH University of Krakow, 11 October 2023
  4. Vicențiu D. Rădulescu, Problems with unbalanced growth: a trip around “nonlinearity” and “anisotropy”, Hot Topics in Science and Technology, Lodz University of Technology, 24 October 2023
  5. Vicențiu D. Rădulescu, Problems with unbalanced growth: a trip around “nonlinearity” and “anisotropy”, Shandong University, 16 November 2023
  6. Vicențiu D. Rădulescu, Some striking results on isotropic and anisotropic double phase equations, Zhejiang Normal University, 28 November 2023
  7. Ionel Rovența, The approximation of the controls for the wave equation with a lower rate numerical vanishing viscosity, The Tenth Congress of Romanian Mathematicians, July 2 2023
  8. Vicenţiu D. Rădulescu, Normalized solutions, ground state solutions, and beyond, Two Days on PDEs and Their Applications, Central South University, Changsha, 23 March 2024
  9. Vicenţiu D. Rădulescu, Old and new in the mathematical analysis of problems with unbalanced growth, Guangzhou University, 27 March 2024
  10. Vicenţiu D. Rădulescu, Isotropic and anisotropic (p,q)-equations, new phenomena, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai, 29 March 2024
  11. Vicenţiu D. Rădulescu, Elliptic equations driven by the Stuart differential operator and some perspectives, East China Normal University, Shanghai, 31 March 2024
  12. Vicenţiu D. Rădulescu, Anisotropic (p,q)-equations with mixed regime and some perspectives, Advanced Theoretical Aspects in PDEs and Their Applications, Two Nonlinear Days, University of Perugia, 17-18 May 2024, Plenary Speaker
  13. Vicenţiu D. Rădulescu, New phenomena in the study of (p,q)-equations, Dynamical Systems and Applications VI, Lodz University of Technology, 28 June 2024, Plenary Speaker
  14. Ionel Rovenţa, International Conference on Elliptic and Parabolic Problems, Gaeta, Italy, 20-24 May 2024
  15. Maria Malin, International Conference on Elliptic and Parabolic Problems, Gaeta, Italy, 20-24 May 2024
  16. Ionel Rovenţa, Boundary controls approximation for the 2D wave equation in rectangular domains, The International Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science (MACOS), Faculty Of Mathematics and Computer Science, Transilvania University of Brasov, Brasov, 13-15 June 2024
  17. Geanina Lachescu, Convex Type Inequalities on Uniformly Convex Functions via Quadratic Complete Homogeneous Symmetric Polynomials, The International Conference on Mathematics and Computer Science (MACOS), Faculty Of Mathematics and Computer Science, Transilvania University of Brasov, Brasov, 13-15 June 2024
  18. Nikolaos Papageorgiou, Parametric elliptic equations with unbalanced growth, Advanced Theoretical Aspects in PDEs and Their Applications, Two Nonlinear Days, University of Perugia, 17-18 May 2024, Plenary Speaker.
  19. Vicențiu D. Rădulescu, Problems with unbalanced growth: new results and some perspectives, Yunnan Minzu University, 30 May 2024.
  20. Vicențiu D. Rădulescu, Normalized solutions of (p,q)-equations with mass supercritical growth, Seminar of Functional Analysis, AGH University of Krakow, 9 October 2024.
  21. Vicențiu D. Rădulescu, Normalized solutions of (p,q)-equations with mass supercritical growth, Applied Analysis and Modeling: a conference in honor of Olivier Goubet, University of Lille, 4-6 November 2024.
  22. Mirel Cosulschi, Mihai Gabroveanu, Florin Slabu, Processing Range-Sum Queries within Triangular Shapes, The 10th Balkan Conference in Informatics – BCI’2024, September 4-6, 2024, Craiova, Romania
  23. Vicențiu D. Rădulescu, Normalized solutions of double phase equations with mass supercritical growth, School of Mathematics, Foshan University, 11 October 2024.
  24. Vicențiu D. Rădulescu, Normalized solutions, ground state solutions and beyond, Yunnan Minzu University, 10 January 2025

Other Achievements

  1. Vicențiu D. Rădulescu, Award of the Prime Minister of Poland for highly advanced research in Mathematics, XXXI Edition, December 2024

Organised Events

  1. Seminar stiintific – Tipuri de convexitate in elasticitatea plana si relatiile dintre ele, Universitatea din Craiova – 27 noiembrie 2023, Speaker: Ionel Dumitrel Ghiba, Universitatea ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iasi, Organised by Ionel Rovența
  2. Seminar stiintific – Modelarea matematica a panzelor elastice cu ajutorul teoriei Cosserat, Universitatea din Craiova – 28 noiembrie 2023, Speaker: Ionel Dumitrel Ghiba, Universitatea ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iasi, Organised by Ionel Rovența
  3. Seminar stiintific – Some results on blow up solutions of heat equations and normalized solutions of double phase equations, Universitatea din Craiova – 8 ianuarie 2024, Speaker: Li Cai, Organised by Ionel Rovența
  4. Seminar stiintific – Probleme inverse Cauchy cu date la frontiera discontinue in difuzia anizotropa de caldura, Universitatea din Craiova – 15 martie 2024, Speaker: Mihai Bucataru, Organised by Ionel Rovența
  5. Minisymposium – Contrôle des EDP, Organised by Nicolae Cîndea and Ionel Rovența in Le XVIeme Colloque Franco-Roumain De Mathématiques Appliquées, Bucarest, 26-30 august 2024. Participants:
    • Mihai Bucataru, Université de Bucarest, Roumanie
    • Sue Claret, Université Clermont Auvergne, France
    • Geoffrey Lacour, Université de Bordeaux, France
    • Pierre Lissy, École des Ponts ParisTech, France
    • Cristinel Mardare, Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions, Sorbonne Université Paris, France
    • Alexandra Melnig, Université Alexandru Ioan Cuza de Iași, Roumanie
    • Sorin Micu, Université de Craiova, Roumanie
    • Guillaume Olive, Institut de Mathématiques, Université Jagellonne, Pologne
  6. Seminar stiintific – Luenberger observers for the linearized water-wave equation (LWWE), Departamentul de Matematica, Universitatea din Craiova – 5 septembrie 2024, invited speaker: Pierre Lissy, CERMICS, Ecole des Ponts Paristech. Organised by Ionel Rovența

PhD Theses Defenses

  1. Mihai Adrian Tudor, Controllability and observability problems for partial differential equations, Universitatea din Craiova – 24 noiembrie 2023